Cervico thoracic spine - Malformations

Cervico thoracic spine - Malformations

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Cervico thoracic spine - Malformations
  • Circumferential convex growth arrest by posterior approach .......

    Circumferential convex growth arrest by posterior approach for double cervicothoracic curves in congenital scoliosis
    Obeid Ibrahim MD
    Bordeaux University Hospital
    Hopital Pellegrin
    Place Amele Raba Léon
    33000 Bordeaux
    Project 13-004

    This video demonstrates how to achieve spinal growth arr...

  • Surgery of a Klippel-Feil malformation of the cervicothoracic junction

    Surgery of a Klippel-Feil malformation of the cervicothoracic junction
    Boos Norbert MD, Professor
    Zürich, Switzerland
    Projekt 09-004

    This video demonstrates a cervicothoracic instrumentation and fusion by a posterior approach after previous release by anterior approach. This led to a p...