Storzer Bastian MD

Storzer Bastian MD

Storzer Bastian MD
Neurochirurgie am Stachus
Karlsplatz 4
80335 München
81547 München

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Storzer Bastian MD
  • Percutaneous stabilization of a T9/10 fracture in a patient with ankylosing

    Percutaneous stabilization of a T9/10 fracture in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis
    Storzer Bastian MD
    Schön Klinik München Harlaching
    81547 München
    Project 15-031

    This video helps to understand the indication and technique of percutaneous stabilization for fracture treatment in anky...

  • Minimal invasive bilateral decompression unilateral approach in spinal stenosis

    Minimal invasive bilateral decompression by unilateral approach in spinal stenosis
    Storzer Bastian MD
    Schön Klinik München Harlaching
    81547 München
    Project 15-013

    This video helps to understand different surgical techniques of bilateral lumbar decompression procedures through an unilater...