Thoracic spine - Deformities

Thoracic spine - Deformities

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Thoracic spine - Deformities
  • Congenital Thoracic Scoliosis

    Congenital Thoracic Scoliosis
    Ara Antaranyan MD
    Max Aebi MD, FRCSC
    Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital
    Dept. of Paediatric Orthopaedics
    Yerevan, Armenia
    Project 24-012

    This video shows a second surgery in a complex congenital scoliosis

  • AVDT - Apical Vertebral Derotation and Translation in AIS

    AVDT - Apical Vertebral Derotation and Translation in AIS
    La Maida Giovanni Andrea MD
    Spine Surgery Department
    ASST Gaetano Pini – CTO
    Milan, Italy
    Project 23-004

    In this video an Apical Vertebral Derotation and Translation surgery in AIS is demonstrated - an innovative and convincing surgical p...

  • Surgical correction of double major adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    Surgical correction of double major adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
    Faldini Cesare MD, Professor
    University of Bologna
    Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
    Project 17-073

    The correction technique for double major adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is presented, with emphasis on the basic...

  • MIS revision of de novo scoliosis and stenosis, following open spinal instrument

    MIS revision of de novo scoliosis and stenosis, following open spinal instrumentation
    Hansen-Algenstaedt Nils MD, Professor
    OrthoCentrum Hamburg
    Hansastrasse 1-3
    20149 Hamburg
    Project 16-007

    This video demonstrates how to perform a minimally invasive revision of a previous open fusion an...

  • Minimally invasive two-column correction of spinal deformity

    Minimally invasive two-column correction of T10-L5 three-dimensional spinal deformity
    Smith William D. MD
    Western Regional Center for Brain and Spine Surgery
    Las Vegas
    Project 14-041

    This video shows a lumbar and thoracolumbar junction anatomy and a complication avoidance technique in XLIF s...

  • Posterior spinal fusion and correction of Scheuermann kyphosis

    Posterior spinal fusion and correction of Scheuermann kyphosis
    Mehdian Hossein MD
    Project 14-022

    This video demonstrates a posterior only procedure to address Scheuermann kyphosis through the technique of segmental fixation to achieve and maintain better correction

  • Vertebral column resection for thoracic hyperkyphosis in Pott's disease

    Vertebral column resection for thoracic hyperkyphosis in Pott's disease
    Charles Yann Philippe MD, Professor
    Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
    Hopital Civil
    1 Place de l'Hotel
    67091 Strasbourg
    Project 13-028

    This film demonstrates how to perform a vertebral column resection (VCR) to co...

  • Combined thoracic and lumbar osteotomies for correction of sagittal imbalance

    Combined thoracic and lumbar osteotomies for the correction of sagittal imbalance
    Mehdian Hossein MD
    Project 13-022

    This film shows how to perform Chevron (Ponte) Osteotomy and a pedicle subtraction osteotomy in order to create lordosis and improve sagittal alignement.

  • Correction of kyphoscoliosis

    Correction of kyphoscoliosis
    Aebi Max MD, Professor
    Hirslanden Salem-Spital
    Project 13-017

    This video shows the characteristics of a complex progressive kyphosis in a patient with a postiradiation damage of the stabilizing muscles, and how to use instrumentation in this severe ...

  • Percutaneous three column osteotomy for kyphotic deformity correction in ......

    Percutaneous three column osteotomy for kyphotic deformity correction in congenital kyphosis
    Hansen-Algenstaedt Nils MD, Professor
    OrthoCentrum Hamburg
    Hansastrasse 1-3
    20149 Hamburg
    Project 13-015

    Percutaneous minimall...

  • Thoracic hemivertebra resection by posterior approach for congenital scoliosis

    Thoracic hemivertebra resection by posterior approach for congenital scoliosis
    Obeid Ibrahim MD
    Bordeaux University Hospital
    Hopital Pellegrin
    Place Amele Raba Léon
    33000 Bordeaux
    Project 12-024

    This video shows the surgical technique for complete thoracic hemivertebra and adjacent disc r...

  • Posterior only treatment of adult thoracic kyphosis

    Posterior only treatment of adult thoracic kyphosis with multiple Ponte osteotomies and pedicle screw instrumentation
    La Maida Giovanni Andrea MD
    Istituto Ortopedico Gaetani Pini
    Spine Surgery Dept.
    20122 Milan
    Project 12-016

    This video shows a correction of a kyphotic Scheuermann deformit...

  • Selective thoracolumbar instrumentation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    Selective thoracolumbar instrumentation with pedicle screws and sublaminar bands in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
    Lamartina Caudio MD, Professor
    IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi Sant'Ambrogio
    Milan, Italy
    Project 11-013

    This video shows a selective fusion in a thoracolumbar scoliotic curve by a...

  • Paraplegia after posterior only correction of congenital kyphosis

    Paraplegia after posterior only correction of congenital kyphosis
    Lamartina Caudio MD, Professor
    IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi Sant'Ambrogio
    Milan, Italy
    Project 10-035

    This video shows the treatment of congenital scoliosis with the associated risks inherent to the surgical procedure.

  • Dual growth rods for infantile scoliosis

    Dual growth rods for infantile scoliosis
    Jayaswal Arvind MD, Professor
    All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    New Delhi
    Project 10-014/8

    This video shows the 6 months intervals of distraction for spinal growth of about 2 cm/year and the technique used with a distal lumbar non fused anchor...

  • Dual growth rods for infantile scoliosis

    Jayaswal Arvind MD, Professor
    All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    New Delhi, India
    Project 10-014/8

    This video shows the 6 months intervals of distraction for spinal growth of about 2 cm/year and the technique used with a distal lumbar non fused anchorage and a proximal subperiosteally inse...

  • Anterior fusion for thoracic scoliosis

    Anterior fusion for thoracic scoliosis
    Hedge Sajan MD
    Apollo Hospitals Chennai
    21, Greams Lane
    600 006 Chennai, India
    Project 10-014/7

    This video shows an anterior instrumentation to correct scoliosis by disc space horizontalization of the end instrumented levels. Instruction how to keep pulmona...

  • Correction of thoracic kyphosis with Ponte osteotomy

    Correction of thoracic kyphosis with Ponte osteotomy
    Grevitt Michael MD
    Nottingham University Hospitals
    Queen's Medical Centre
    NG7 2UH Nottingham, UK
    Project 10-014/6

    A correction of thoracic kyphosis with multiple Ponte osteotomies and long stabilization in a 14-years old female patient with a ...

  • Posterior surgery in Scheuermann's kyphosis

    Posterior surgery in Scheuermann's kyphosis
    Lamartina Caudio MD, Professor
    IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi Sant'Ambrogio
    Milan, Italy
    Projekt 09-013

    This video shows the indication for surgery, (deformity over 80, significant pain, progression) and the technical performance of posterior correcti...

  • Posterior surgery congenital scoliosis

    Posterior surgery congenital scoliosis
    Lamartina Caudio MD, Professor
    IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi Sant'Ambrogio
    Milan, Italy
    Project 09-012

    This video demonstrates T7 – L2 posterior instrumented fusion with monoaxial screws and rods and a wedge resection of the malformed vertebrae. Fusion w...